S2 E2 - Missio
Batiatus conjures up a devious plan and enlists Lucretia, Gaia and a clutch of gladiator recruits to see it through. Oenomaus longs to reclaim the top gladiator rank, but new challenges cross his path....
Starring Jeffrey Thomas, Stephen Lovatt, John Hannah
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S2 E2 - Missio
Batiatus conjures up a devious plan and enlists Lucretia, Gaia and a clutch of gladiator recruits to see it through. Oenomaus longs to reclaim the top gladiator rank, but new challenges cross his path....
Starring Jeffrey Thomas, Stephen Lovatt, John Hannah
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Jeffrey ThomasStephen LovattJohn HannahLucy LawlessManu BennettCraig Walsh-WrightsonPeter MensahDustin ClareAntonio Te MaiohaGareth WilliamsTemuera MorrisonJaime MurrayNick E. TarabayLesley-Ann BrandtMarisa Ramirez
Jeffrey Thomas, Stephen Lovatt, John Hannah, Lucy Lawless, Manu Bennett, Craig Walsh-Wrightson, Peter Mensah, Dustin Clare, Antonio Te Maioha, Gareth Williams, Temuera Morrison, Jaime Murray, Nick E. Tarabay, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Marisa RamirezDirected By
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