Eye Of The Beholder
A private eye obsessively follows a beautiful female serial killer - but is the thrill of his voyeurism allowing her to continue her murderous ways?...
Starring Ewan McGregor, Ashley Judd, Patrick Bergin
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Eye Of The Beholder
A private eye obsessively follows a beautiful female serial killer - but is the thrill of his voyeurism allowing her to continue her murderous ways?...
Starring Ewan McGregor, Ashley Judd, Patrick Bergin
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Ewan McGregorAshley JuddPatrick Bergink.d. langJason PriestleyGeneviève BujoldAnn-Marie BrownKaitlin BrownDavid NermanSteven McCarthyVlasta VranaJanine TheriaultDan JordanMaria RevelinsLisa Forget
Ewan McGregor, Ashley Judd, Patrick Bergin, k.d. lang, Jason Priestley, Geneviève Bujold, Ann-Marie Brown, Kaitlin Brown, David Nerman, Steven McCarthy, Vlasta Vrana, Janine Theriault, Dan Jordan, Maria Revelins, Lisa ForgetDirected By
Produced By
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